Players: 2-8

Playing time: 30-180 minutes|Age: 8+

Become the Wealthiest Player through Property Trading

Monopoly is a classic board game where players buy, rent, and trade properties to bankrupt their opponents. The goal is to become the wealthiest player by strategically acquiring and developing properties.

Gameplay Overview:

  • Setup: Each player starts with $1,500. Players choose tokens and place them on the "GO" space. The bank manages money, properties, houses, and hotels.
  • Turns: Players roll two dice to move around the board. Actions depend on the space landed on, including buying properties, paying rent, drawing Chance and Community Chest cards, and going to jail.
  • Buying Properties: Players can purchase unowned properties they land on. If a player declines, the property is auctioned.
  • Rent and Development: Players collect rent from opponents who land on their properties. Building houses and hotels increases rent.
  • Jail: Players go to jail by landing on the "Go to Jail" space, drawing a "Go to Jail" card, or rolling doubles three times in a row.
  • Winning the Game: The game ends when all but one player are bankrupt. The remaining player is declared the winner.

Monopoly is perfect for players who enjoy strategy and negotiation. Gather your friends and family to see who can dominate the board and amass the greatest fortune!

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