

Deals & Trades

Anybody can build regardless of the current turn. Even players in jail.

Trade with players:

  • Property can be bought, sold or swapped with other players, except buildings (houses and hotels)
  • To trade a Street, all buildings on its color set must be sold to the Bank
  • Properties can be traded for cash, other properties, or Get Out of Jail Free cards. Trade values are decided by the involved players.

Mortgaged properties can be traded at any agreed price. The new owner must either:

  • Pay off the mortgage to the Bank, or
  • Pay the Bank 10% of the mortgage value immediately.

Selling Buildings:

  • Sell Hotels to the Bank for half their original cost and exchange them immediately for 4 Houses.
  • Sell Houses to the Bank for half their original cost. Houses must be sold evenly across the color set.

Mortgage a Property:

  • To mortgage a property, first sell all buildings in its color set to the Bank for half their cost.
  • Turn the Title Deed card face down and collect the mortgage value from the Bank.
  • Rent cannot be collected on mortgaged properties, but increased rent can be collected on unmortgaged properties in the same color set. Same for Utilities or Railroads.

Repay a mortgage: pay the mortgage value plus 10% interest to the Bank and turn the card face up.